Friday, October 11, 2019

STREAMING MEDIA - Leveling the Playing pitch for small matter - part II

In share I of this series, I discussed streaming audio which is the most time of the streaming techniques. (If you missed it, look Just as surel...

In allocation I of this series, I discussed streaming audio which is the most epoch of the streaming techniques. (If you missed it, look Just as surely as television followed radio, the sudden advancement of Internet technology now makes it feasible to go to high resolution images to your audio presentations upon the web; they can even be intended to that your images fine-tune with audio cues.

Let's backtrack for just a moment. Until recently, the on your own quirk to correct images upon a web site was by using the meta refresh tags or employing a Java applet. The meta refresh tag's reliability is severely dependent on link speed, and the Java applet is extremely picky taking into account it comes to choosing the browser with which it likes to work. And, more importantly, neither one of these can handle audio. Now, however, by using the technology developed by RealNetworks, any number of images can be bonus to your audio presentations and streamed from your site. Visitors to your site are now adept to view tall resolution, setting pictures while enjoying near compilation feel sound. Best of all, it streams well beyond a 28.8 connection.

I have to matter a word of warn about here. Don't confuse streaming slides once streaming video. There is a huge difference! (Streaming video will be the subject of share III of this series.) Streaming slides consist of yet images that can bend more than period or in sync when an audio script. You can utilize existing photos, graphic images, and atmosphere pedigree art for your slide show. (Most encoding companies will furthermore be skilled to supply television type still graphics at a entirely low cost if you compulsion counsel in that regard.) Due to the adaptableness of streaming slides, your sales presentations understand upon a total extra look and allow your web site personality.

You can now work your products in an very swap light. otherwise of grating to characterize unique and/or desirable features taking into account lonesome text or audio, you can actually zero in on those important selling points like pictures! (The out of date adage "A characterize is worth a thousand words" takes on other meaning on the Internet.) Prospective buyers can now more next to inspect products that are usually difficult to sell over the web, due to the want of consumers to "touch and feel." This adds a great unity of credibility to your sales auditorium and to your web based business. (Items with antiques, furniture, sporting goods, and apparel drop easily into this category.)

I have to bow to a moment to citation the impact that streaming slides can have for realtors and homebuilders. afterward thus much genuine estate excitement taking place greater than the web today, imagine the sales edge that a fine slide conduct yourself could have by showcasing the property's outstanding features. amass an audio that discusses the availability of nearby schools, shopping, transportation, and entertainment, as capably as straightforward financing for the property, and you have a property that will surely sell. You will probably also have completely grateful and glad buyers, especially if they are maddening to locate welcome properties from a city or town far away.

Several publications have called streaming slides a real attention getter! all it takes to put together a streaming slide be active is accrual your images on disk, photo or paper. get your audio scrap book ready or have a script available. (Most encoding companies can provide voice capability if necessary.) In your script you will indicate where the slide changes are to occur, or you will have the funds for audio cues upon your tape autograph album for this to happen. information will afterward have to be provided on the sequencing of the pictures. Your encoding company will prepare and digitize your media and send you web ready files or they will manage to pay for hosting on their own servers.

Small businesses have always dreamed of having permission to costly media in view of that that they could market their products tastefully and taking into account style. Now they can at definitely within your means costs...and gone the 365/24/7 talent that without help the Internet can offer. The creative possibilities of marketing when streaming media are endless; streaming slide shows are single-handedly one of the many options easily reached to small business.

(To look a streaming slide put-on demo, go to:

Article Tags: Streaming Media, little Business, Streaming Slides, Slide Show, Streaming Slide

Syeda ZeenatPosted By Dian

I'm simple Blogger


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